Who Kidnapped me? Wanted Person No: 0001-B |
Najar Kidnapping |
Sent-Complain Letters |
Published: 01.04.2009 Updated: 01.04.2009, 23.01.2012 |
Who Kidnapped me? |
Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)
Name and Aliases |
Who are my parents? Re-analysis, trying to find my real parents!!!
See also: “Rockefeller Family tree”, “All Families”, “Rockefeller family members in my life” and the “Official Family Members” of this profile.
1. (Added on 23.01.2012) Some other identities that John D. Rockefeller junior the second may have been uses are but not limited to: 1.1. Teresa Heinz Kerry. Reason: I think so is because I strongly believe that Teresa Heinz Kerry was one of the persons that used the identity of my fake sister Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Shawki 1.2. Fadia Nagar. Reason: She has a lot of similarity with Samiyath Khayat and with little make up everything is possible, but also because some man bodyguards were disguised as a woman and using the identity of my fake sister Fadia Nagar enable to distract of John D. Rockefeller that was also using this identity to travel from Saudi Arabia to Europe, USA and mot probably also to other countries 1.3. Marianne Gingrich alias Marianne Ginther. Reason, because I strongly believe and since at least 5 years that Newt Gingrich exchanged place with my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri alias Jürgen Möllemann that allegedly committed suicide in 2003. And I was not able to right down my findings about Newt Gingrich due to I was 100% prevented with ESP. I even strongly believe that I have recognized him while I was living in Houston, Texas and often saw him on TV, and the Rockefeller family noticed that and they arranged for official marriage and replaced the wife of Newt Gingrich with another man disguised as a woman enable to prevent me of recognizing Marianne Gingrich as my fake Sister Fadia Nagar alias John D. Rockefeller Junior the Second. But also because I know for fact that the new wife of Newt Gingrich called “Callista Louise Gingrich, née Bisek” is a man disguised as a woman and his former wife Marianne Gingrich is making a lot of fuss in the news that he left her for this more beautiful and powerful woman, but she is not a woman, which = the brainwash trick of the Quran: The Quran is dictated by God and no one can falsify it! And when you ask how do you know that? The answer will be God said so in the Quran=which equal: I can write a small leaflet and call it a letter of God and sign it with the P.S. no one can falsify this document because I am protecting it!!!???? Back to Marianne Gingrich a man disguised as a woman testifying indirectly that the new wife of Newt Gingrich called “Callista Louise Gingrich, née Bisek” is a beautiful woman, more beautiful than me and I am jealous, but that is 100% a man disguised as a woman, the only problem with that is that sometime they have an identical look sister that they exchange places with incase of an emergency. No one can prove to me or convince me otherwise because this is how the Rockefellers and their allies in Europe and the Middle East works and I saw it since 1959!!!!! 2. (Added on 23.01.2012) I discovered that I have several thousand brothers and sisters most of them are and very unfortunately very brainless, very emotionless and very dangerous to the general public 3. (Added on 23.01.2012) Last time saw him but I did not recognize him was as follow: 3.1. 2-3 months in summer 1960 or 1961 in Cairo Egypt disguised as my fake granduncle Fuad Khayat, where he stayed around 3 months in a very cheap apartment 3.2. 2weeks in December 1969 in Damascus, Syria disguised as my fake grandmother Samiyath Khayat along with his another son Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias Moamar Khadafi that pretended to be my uncle 3.3. 1-2 weeks in spring of 1975 and in the CIA city Unterschleissheim, here too disguised as my grandmother Samiyath Khayat, then I drove her/him to Hamburg to her/his alleged son Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias Moamar Khadafi and never seen her/him again and was told that she/he allegedly died 2-3 years later 3.4. 1988-1989 disguised as Scott Shields and pretended to be a tailor helping me remember the tailor I knew as a neighbor in Cairo Egypt from 1960s, which in reality they were forcing me not to remember or understand anything while brainwashing me not to complain enable they can keep me as mentally dead slave 3.5. From mid 1970s and until 2011 saw him often disguised as ex-German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt but never recognized him until now in January 2012, however I always used to like the voice of Helmut Schmidt and today I know why, because it is the voice of my fake grandmother Samiyath Khayat alias my granduncle Fuad Khayat alias John D. Rockefeller junior the second. I also strongly suspect him to be disguised as many other famous and less famous identities also in the movie business as a Hollywood star. I think he is mentally a very sick man and his state of mind is very contagious, which is very visible in my complaint pages about other persons in my fake and biological families that use the same life style 3.6. Summer 2001 in Amsterdam disguised as my fake sister Fadia Nagar as she/he allegedly came extra to visit me while I am living in the refugee camps of the Netherlands and she pretended that she is not able to help me except bring me a suitcase full of old cloths and food=brainwash 4. (Added on 23.01.2012) my father is John D. Rockefeller junior the second that I strongly believe he is still alive because he has supernatural powers or also called ESP and with it he can not only use telepathy but also he can use telekinesis and to a certain degree, that is not known to me yet, he has also the ability to modify certain body parts to look younger or older as needed, however I strongly believe he can’t modify his overall body structure, which is around 165-170 cm 5. (Added on 23.01.2012) This intended analysis is for now not necessary any more, due to me continuing to find who is around my life and what happen to my life and during this process of analysis spread all over my complaint pages I discover with 100% certainty my biological father, but not yet my biological mother
Name in Arabic |
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My persecution and brainwash by my fake family that consisted of some of my biological family members of the Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy and Bush families that were eager and would do anything to cover up their real identities in the Middle East, including killing innocent people. During a period when Siemens AG was trying hard to get my attention to what my fake family was actually doing. During a period when the German police was constantly persecuting me to use me and prove that my fake families are terrorists and drug lords. During a period when the Americans disguised as German in and around Munich, Germany such as Unterschleissheim, Hoehenbrunn, Unterhaching, Baldham and other, were desperate to shut me up in that they persecuted me and brainwashed me while pretending to be German Christians. During a period when all of them together were preparing either to kill me or kidnap me to USA, which they did. During a period when my fake and biological families persecuted me very viciously after I discovered that they were printing a fake Quran in cooperation with the Saudi Arabian government at the Clett Verlag in Stuttgart, Germany to implicate the alleged German Nazis that were allegedly hiding in the Middle East, in short to implicate the Germans, because Germany was used by USA and England as scapegoat for all the crimes they were performing in the hidden and described within this website, such as terrorism, drugs and mass child kidnapping and molestation to create as many children as quick as possible that they can brainwash and claim them to be native of the Middle East. During a persistent period that my fake and biological families tried to link me to PLO and Palestinian terrorists. My brainwash, enslaving with the help of the CIA, Mosad, American/English/Syrian military intelligence under their agent whore Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapping to USA through the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso and in cooperation with the brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG in cooperation with professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark, Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer and Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third and USA vice-president and later USA president George H. W. Bush. Where they kept me letterly as hostage and slave for 15 years in USA and then dumped me in Holland identity and legal paperless to force me to live as a refugee with absolute no rights what so ever as cover up for all the crimes they performed against me and against humanity. |
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Special Crimes Against Me |
See more description/Details below the photograph
Additional photo needed
Photo-B01, Photo-B02, Photo-B03
Photo-B04, Photo-B05
Photo-B09, Photo-B10 Photo-B11:
Photo-B13: |
Photo-A01: John D. Rockefeller junior the second as he was younger in 1930s and 1940s Photo-A02: John D. Rockefeller junior the second alias my fake granduncle Fuad Khayat as I saw him in 1959 in the American military secret camp that simulated the city Damascus, Syria and again as I saw him several times within a period of 2-3 months in Cairo, Egypt, where he told me he is going to America to his children, while in reality he had several housing in Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere and was totally and absolutely and negatively manipulating my life from the background. This I just remembered, I saw him again in the end of the year 1967 disguised as my fake grandaunt Umrateb, the official sister of my grandmother Samiyath Khayat and my granduncle Fuad Khayat. In other words he was disguising as his family members when and where ever he wanted. But also he disguised as my fake mother Hayat Baroudi. As you can see he disguises as so many persons around my life, and it is very difficult for me to figure it out, but the pictures on the right do not lie and it is very visible that he does disguise as any one he wants, often with a simple change such as putting on a head scarf, eye glasses and/or women closing, but also heavy makeup various shapes of fake teeth that totally alter the look of his jaw |
Photo-B01: Ex-German chancellor Helmut Schmidt that exchanged places with his father John D. Rockefeller junior the second
Photo-B02: Mary Elizabeth Tennant of the Rockefeller Foundation that used to exchange places with John D. Rockefeller junior the second
Photo-B03: The actual photograph of John D. Rockefeller junior the second that pretended to be the tailor for prostitutes and Hollywood star in Westport Connecticut from 1988-1989
Photo-B04: the photo that was forced upon me by the German/American CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud and want to force me to think that this is my mother, but she is not this is a different person that I saw only once in 1987 in Bridgeport Connecticut and may be twice in 1984 and in both cases they want to force me by ESP to think this is the woman that raised me from 1959 to 1968, but she is not. See the profile of my fake mother to see who kidnapped me from USA to Cairo, Egypt over Saudi Arabia and Damascus, Syria in 1959 and then disappeared in 1961 and was replaced by another lookalike
Photo-B05: The official photo of Teresa Heinz Kerry the wife of the American senator and in 2004 ex-USA president elect John F. Kerry, but it is not, this is another man in disguise as Teresa Heinz Kerry to help John F. Kerry with the election by using all his hidden children all over USA
Photo-B06: this is USA senator John F. Kerry with a man disguised as Teresa Heinz Kerry, this is the official election photo of the year 2004, where senator John F. Kerry lost to his cousin George W. Bush alias my brother
Photo-B07: This is the photo of the actual Teresa Heinz Kerry, a beautiful woman that does not need any makeup, unless to hide that a man was using her place during the election time and in case of winning then also during the presidency
Photo-B08: a man disguised Marianna Gingrich to help Newt Gingrich win the elections to become USA president, but something went wrong, me, I started to relate newt Gingrich to my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri alias Jürgen Möllemann that officially committed suicide in 2003 and I was set up to discover him enable to distract me among others of Newt Gingrich, which is a very old trick that my fake and biological family continue to use on me by pointing me out to a dead person to force my mind to stop looking for additional persons that are more important and more dangerous such as Newt Gingrich that if become president is going to top George W. Bush and George H. W. Bush in stealing the American budget while waging a huge war and mass killing people to steal a new land, most probably Iran, North Korea and several weak African countries
Photo-B09: This is the actual Marianne Gingrich, look closely and you wil notice the big and major difference, which is the distance between the nose and the upper lip by this one the real female is much shorter than by the imposter that has a much wider space between the nose and the upper lip as shown in “Photo-08” and all over the internet, I just captured a few
Photo-B10: Most probably as a result me starting to relate Newt Gingrich to Mohi Sabri in 1980s and 1990s, now there is a new man in house called “Callista Louise Gingrich”. Typical name of a man planned long time ago to use a woman identity and naming it twice female “Callista Louise” just all my fake family members that pretend to be Arab Moslems and give their selves useless double names Mohamad Nashaat or Mohamad Farzat, in matter of fact most to all members of my fake family named Mohamad plus additional first name, and they call that honorary name to the prophet Mohamad that was no one else than Mahatma=Mohamad Ghandi that used to pretend to be Hindu while 100% controlling Islam in India as a weapon against the English invaders until he reached an agreement with them to his satisfaction by creating a new Islamic countries such as East Pakistan (now called Bangladesh), West Pakistan and above all a new fake center of Islam called Saudi Arabia where no one can ever verify the truth, and that is what they thought, but I, among many others, did discover that Islam did not originate from Saudi Arabia but from India. Any way back to Gingrich and his transvestite woman that has a double female name “Callista Louise” which is absolute the same pattern as the famous Austrian/German actor Klaus Maria Brandauer that intended to be jumping in women identities
Photo-B11: “Callista Louise Gingrich” a man disguised as a woman, which is very visible in this photo a very older man, most probably born in 1940s or earlier with a lot of makeup, but beside that, he most definitely has fake teeth, why would a person born in 1966=46 years old have fake teeth?, beside it is also visible that this person has a lot of skin wrinkles that point out he is much older than 46 years old. I am 59 years old and most definitely don’t have all these wrinkles. Also the face expression is never of a woman, but rather of a furious man that is very angry and is provoked to be discovered as a man but also it is a face expression of a man that think of himself as the ultimate smart and intelligence and everyone else is an idiot and/or stupid.
Photo-B12: Possible the hidden daughter of this man, but this is not why I choose this photograph, this photograph show an expression of a real woman, a feminine look or a feminine charisma!! By the way this woman is also called Callista Flockhart she is an actress and the official wife of the famous actor Harrison Ford. Go figure it out, Hollywood her and Hollywood there in the Congress, Hollywood in the Senate, Hollywood in the Ronald Reagan and continuous until and including Barak Obama and thereafter, but also Hollywood possibly next door to you, just as it was all my life, because all my neighbors were CIA, FBI, Secret Service and private very vicious bodyguards often also men disguised as women and this from 1959 and until even today in January 2012, but since 3 years I designated and don’t care anymore.
Photo-B13: “Callista Louise Gingrich” trying hard to show as if she is a woman, which is a typical election photo, that they make of a man dressed as a woman and absolutely alone far away of the crowd where he can concentrate and act as if he is really a woman. But here again the feminine charisma is totally missing, we are born with either a feminine charisma or a male feminine charisma, and this is most definitely male trying hard to act as female but not succeeded for the experience eye, my eye, because I was raised practically and to 90% by men disguised as women and I did not no that until I started to discover them one by one from the year 2006 and until today, almost 6 years of analysis and writing down my finding in form of these complaint pages in summer of 2007. From summer 2006 and until summer 2006 I was mainly writing down manually, that was totally unorganized and difficult to track, yet and manually I wrote probably around one thousand pages (1000), every week I used to buy at least one writing block of 100poages and fill it up to free my mind of all the accumulated brainwash since 1959, just like a huge of container that has mainly trash on the top and underneath is all missed up, mixed up and totally unrecognizable. I even may still have some of my writing that you can also down load because I edited most of them (Click here to download them). So I kept on writing until I was able to afford a second hand computer for 175 Euro payable in 5-4 installments and then the police next door and without talking to me, but by creating a situation to force me to come to the police station and see a wanted profiles on the computers that gave me the idea of writing my complaints in form of wanted profiles because I was and I am partly still surrounded by organized crime family members that each does something to pretend to help me but in reality performing a huge damage to my life or mental status, such as pulling all my 17 teeth in July 2011 and ever since I have pain and my self-esteem is totally shot to hell!!
Conclusion: “Callista Louise Gingrich” is a man disguised as a woman set by the Rockefeller family just as they set Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and everyone in between and until Barak Obama that pretend to be Mr. nice guy, but he is not, because the first thing on his agenda was to confirm that George W. Bush is right and that the economy is very bad and we must borrow another 700 Billion US Dollars to bail out the banks, and therewith and within only 6 months George W. Bush and his cousin Barak Obama forced a debt on the American government of 1,5 Trillion USA dollar between October 2008 (=George W. Bush) and March 2009 (=Barak Obama) and therewith there were no more money to help Americans slavish their own house that were being repossessed by the very same banks that stole money of their own banks and they filed for bankruptcy enable to force the American government to bail them out with this 1.5 Trillion US Dollar and therewith is Barak Obama no good and I don’t know if and when we ever get a good president administration in USA or in any other country in our world |
Other Descriptions/Details
Name and Aliases |
Profession under Alias |
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Disguise Methods |
Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
See “Rockefeller Family tree” |
Spouse |
Children |
Other Relatives |
See “Rockefeller Family tree” |
Biological Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
See “Rockefeller Family tree” |
Spouse |
Children |
Other Relatives |
See “Rockefeller Family tree” |
Friends of the Family |
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Businesses Partners: |
Illegal Businesses |
Will follow |