Wanted Person No: 0037 |
Najar Kidnapping |
Sent-Complain Letters |
Published: 25.06.2007 Updated: 13.08.2009, 29.07.2010, 20.02.2012 |
Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)
Name and Aliases |
Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias Nisho alias Shushu/shosho alias American or English military intelligence agent (Added on 30.03.2012) To understand this profile see also the profile extension of his identical lookalike Nick Naggar
(Added on 29.07.2010) Click here to see a small note to his website! (Added on 11.08.2009) To understand this profile see the analysis of members of my household, kidnapping me from Germany to USA in 1986, kidnapping me for USA to Egypt in 1959, and the secret American military intelligence camp in USA that simulated the city of Damascus, Syrian in 1959 and I was kidnapped to it and later from it to Egypt, as well as the members of my fake terrorist and international organized crime family.
This person is identified as: 1. (Added on 30.03.2012) This profile and for now is complete in that this person consisted of a group of around 6-7 persons that were lookalike and various heights and exchanged places together and one of the original ones was a hidden brother to my fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali and both Dr. Alaa Alia, Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar and my fake friend Raja of the American military base McGraw kasern alias George Clooney alias a hidden son of Fareed Al-Atrash, and all 3 of them and possibly more exchanges places currently as the Turkish president Abdullah Gül, while Abdullah Gül is partner with Suzan Sabancı Dinçer alias Leila Köse the official sister of Alia Köse that later became ex-USA secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, whereby Alia Köse was the official wife of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar in Germany and is also alias Anita Naggar the wife of Nick Naggar in USA= several persons with slight name change to confuse their surrounding while their partners can identify them and Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and Nick Naggar were their bodyguards. But also Suzan Sabancı Dinçer alias Leila Köse is partner and relative with Güler Sabancı that is one of the persons that pretended to be my fake mother Hayat Baroudi in 1980s and also possibly in 1970s as distraction of the other persons pretending to be my fake mother Hayat Baroudi 2. (Added on 30.03.2012) this person is identified as member of a group of a lookalikes persons, one of them is most probably working for a petroleum or Energy company in North Germany a long with Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third and with my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias the ex-Libyan president Moamar Khadafi that exchanged places with American military intelligence agent Ray Thomas the hidden brother of the ex-UNO-secretary general Kofi Annan that also exchanged places with him for more information see Dr. Farzat Baroudi profile and in particular the Germany energy companies where my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar pretending to be working in North Germany for free in the city of Flensburg while he was the Gladio-bodyguard and/or partner to the petroleum company Chevron hidden owner called Alia Köse alias Condoleezza Rice where she was officially only an employee of the petroleum company Chevron but in reality she is a man disguised as a woman and a top executive at the petroleum company Chevron or majority owner, whereby the petroleum company Chevron terrorized the life out of me as I was their independent employee for around 4 months in 1994. 3. (Added on 30.03.2012) this person is identified as member of a group of lookalikes persons, and at least one of them or may be all were simultaneously as Gladio bodyguards among others and based on what I saw, not to forget that they are several persons of several sizes and ages and the first time I saw one of them was around 1965/66 in Cairo, Egypt and his photograph was places on the Internet not to help me but to implicate me with Turkish while distracting of the others such as in the Bush administration and now in the Barak Obama administration but also in Germany somewhere, in short and since the bodyguard pretend to be husband, brother uncle and whatever he must exchange places with others to not be noticed as bodyguard and get attention to these personalities in hiding: 3.1. For Alia Köse alias Condoleezza Rice that consisted of at least 3-4 lookalike, see the profile Nick Naggar for more information, which I saw myself 3.2. For Sheikha Mozah that also disguised herself as my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, which I saw myself 3.3. For Najlaa Mahmoud that consisted of a group of a lookalike women and one of them exchanged places with Sheikha Mozah and the other with Michelle Obama 3.4. For my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias Moamar Khadafi, which I am just guessing based on the pattern 3.5. For Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third, which I am just guessing based on the pattern 3.6. For Fareed Al-Atrash, which I am just guessing based on the pattern 3.7. For Raja alias George Clooney, which I am just guessing based on the pattern 3.8. For one of several of my fake sisters the Fadia Nagar(s) 3.9. For one of several of my fake brother-in-law the Dr. Alaa Ali one of them exchanges places with Abdullah Gül 3.10. For one of several of my fake sisters the Afrah Abokurah(s), alias one of them is princess Chantal of Greece 3.11. For one of several of my fake mother the Hayat Baroudi one of them is Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi another is queen Sonja of Norway and another is Güler Sabancı 3.12. For one of several of my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri alias Jürgen Möllemann and Newt Gingrich 3.13. For one of several of my fake nephew Samir Bdeir alias one of them is hidden member in the Turkish government and the other in the Greek government 3.14. For one of several of my fake niece the Reem Bdeir alias several look alike one of them is princess Haya of Jordan 3.15. For one of several of my fake niece the Basmath Bdeir the original one exchanged places with princess Madeleine of Sweden and with my ex-wife Anita Disbray that consisted of a group of persons that exchanged places together also with Rosi Ott alias the famous American singer Madonna 3.16. For one of several of my fake sisters the Suhair Bdeir one of them is in the Greek government 3.17. For one of several of my fake brother-in-law the Seev Aldin Bdeir alias the original was Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld and another is Sheikh Mohammad bin Mubarak Al Khalifa (born 1935) is a member of the royal family of Bahrain and was Foreign Minister of Bahrain for nearly 35 years 3.18. For Joe Lieberman that exchange places with his lookalike brother or cousin called Klaus Schneider from the fake Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the CIA and KGB city of Unterschleissheim that was my peptize witness in 1976 4. (Added on 20.02.2012) Due to complexity still under construction 5. (Added on 20.02.2012) the Turkish president Abdullah Gül that is a member of an American military intelligence elite, called the Sabancı family that were surrounding me in the American military base McGraw kasern in Munich, Germany in 1970 and thereafter, to control Turkey since at least 1950s and mass killing Kurdish people in Turkey in North Syria, in Iraq and in Iran, while pretending to be Turkish and so called Arabs, and as confirmation of their hidden allies, relatives, brothers and cousins the other Americans and English military mass murderers the ex-Iraq president Sadam Hussein, the ex-Syria president Hafez Al-Assad mass murderer since 1970s and his son the current Syrian mass murderer and president Bashaar Al-Assad (where I sent him complaint letter in April 2000 from Houston, Texas, USA complaining about how they are treating me as a result I am still locked up until today. But also I sent complaint letters to others) and last but not least the ex-Iran president and mass murderer Ayatollah Khomeini the hidden brother of George H. W. Bush 6. (Added on 20.02.2012) for more information on below, see also the photos below and more original photos on his lookalike Nick Naggar from USA 7. (Added on 20.02.2012) This is the American-English deceive: All this is a trick to make Egyptian believe they are controlling Turkey while in reality the alleged Turks controlling them based on the history that they teach and make Turkey believe they are controlling Egypt while the history shows that the alleged Moslem from Saudi Arabia are controlling Turkey. In reality the Americans and English=Rockefeller and their original family the Windsor family are sending all the times a new staff from Europe and USA over other countries, in this case over Egypt to confuse every one while black mailing the these new persons in this case my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and my fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali to do what they want otherwise they would expose them as they did to me by using me to black mail the ex-Soviet Union agent George W. Bush that they used to replace me in 1959 enable he does what they want and invade Afghanistan and Turkey after my fake family bombed the World Trade center to give him an excuse to help his ex-Soviet Union country regain control of Afghanistan that they lost in the mid-1980s and ever since they were using all kind of tricks to regain power over Afghanistan = Rockefeller and Windsor families 8. (Added on 20.02.2012) the below two lookalike exchange places today as the current Turkish president Abdullah Gül. For more detail to see this American conspiracy to convert Europe by force of the American military and NATO to the all-new Saudi Arabian religion called Moslem Sunni that was created by the Rockefeller and the Windsor families while pretending to use it to fight the real Islam Shiaa originated from India and the today’s Pakistan through at least the American military and Air Force base Incirlik Air Base in Adana, Turkey and the hidden Rockefeller Hacı Ömer Sabancı and his fake Sabancı family that surrounded me in 1970 as distraction of George W. Bush and the Bush family. 9. (Added on 20.02.2012) One of them was 25 years old and lookalike of my fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali that claimed at that time in 1968 also in Cairo Egypt, where I met him for the first time, was 27 years old the official boyfriend of my fake sister Fadia Naggar, whereby these two lookalike were replaced by another almost identical lookalikes, just with different height and age at the concentrated evil American military base McGraw kasern in Munich, Germany where I was severely brainwashed and enslaved under the CIA agent Anita Disbray that today I strongly relate to princes Madeleine of Sweden and the Swedish royal family 10. (Added on 20.02.2012) This person is identified as having 6 another 5 lookalikes one of them at least 25 years old pretending to be 16 years old due to he was just around 165 cm (5.4 foot) one of them was actually 16 years old and the son of Sadam Hussein andother was around 16 years old American military intelligence agent called Nick Naggar. 11. (Added on 13.02.2012) See also the profile of Steve Allen that I discovered in late march 2009 but I was prevented with ESP to publish it. Steve Allen is either Nick Naggar or his very lookalike father or brother. Also see the Tsunami profile that I very strongly believe was created by Atomic bomb as a scare tactic of USA. 12. (Added on 13.08.2009) This identity Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and at least prior to the year 1959 was used by ex-USA president George W. Bush while he was disguised for years in several countries in the Middle East and I Mohamad Nuzhat Najar was used as his decoy and double in USA until they exchanged us in 1959 13. (Added on 17.02.2009) This man 100% is not my brother but pretended to be my brother 14. (Added on 17.02.2009) This man 100% is a different person than the original fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that I knew in Cairo, Egypt between 1965/66 to 1968/69. He is look alike replacement by the evil American military intelligence that was brought by force to my life in around September 1970 at the concentrated evil American military base McGraw kasern in Munich, Germany with the help of my evil fake sister Suhair Bdeir and her Bdeir family in cooperation with my fake mother Hayat Baroudi, my fake sister Fadia Nagar, Mohamad Attar, the American military sergeant Hamori that pretended to be Palestinian, CIA, the German police and other American military staff and all of these mother fuckers claimed it is the same person. If he was my biological brother I would have never been in this position complaining continuously for 9 years since the year 2000. 15. Mohamad Nashaat Naggar main profile until 1982 in Germany (this profile) 16. Nick Naggar extension, alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar in 1986 and thereafter 17. His alleged wife the American military intelligence agent Alia Köse alias Anita Naggar and her fake Turkish Köse family that was set together to cover up her mix with Chinese (Chinese in my life) 18. American military base McGraw kasern in Munich, Germany where I was severely brainwashed to forget my past in the Middle East 19. Avon Cosmetics in 1976/77-1982 in Germany 20. Avon Cosmetics in 1986/87-1990 in USA 21. Evangelical Lutheran church in the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany before 1986 22. Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA after 1986
See also: Click here to see the addition on 21.11.2008, Members of my household, new photos and notes about brainwash and ESP manipulation |
Name in Arabic |
محمد نشأت النجار \ نجار غير أسمه إلى نيك نجار |
Relation to me |
My fake brother |
First saw/met |
1965/1966 in Cairo, Egypt |
Age at that time |
Over 16 |
Last saw/met |
1992/1993 in Houston, Texas |
Hidden biological relatives |
Unknown, possibly the English singer Cliff Richard and/or American actor Burt Reynolds |
Allegedly Died On |
Unknown |
Surrounding me during |
1965/1966 after they took me to Egypt |
Height |
170-174 cm |
Weight |
Until 1982:75-80kg 1992: 100-120 kg |
Skin Color |
Dark white |
Hair Color |
Dark Brown |
Eye Color |
Dark Brown |
Religion |
Moslem-Sunni (added on 17.02.2009) strict religious and absolutely religious violent in Cairo, Egypt until 1968/69. 1970-1993 does not care at all about religions. |
Special Features |
Brainwashed (Added on 17.02.2009) Has continuous acne that turns into large facial infections. Very fat. Love to drink very cheap wine in my presence. Short neck. Allegedly does not love children and therefore allegedly does not have any. Married to a Chinese man disguised as a woman. |
Special Crimes Against Me |
Tried to kill me in 1965. Pretending to be my brother. Helped dramatically in kidnapping me to USA in 1984/1986. Helped the American military intelligence dramatically in brainwashing me in 1970 in McGraw casern Munich, Germany and thereafter. Helped dramatically and very strongly in persecuting me after I officially became Christian in 1976 at the fake Evangelical Lutheran church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim. For some reason he hates me very much, even I tried the best to be his friend. |
See more description/Details below the photograph
Additional photo needed |
Photo-A01 to A-05: actual photos of Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias Nisho alias Niesh, alias shosho/shushu photo and personal information about his where about are wanted for performed crimes against me and against humanity
(Added on 20.02.2012) Photo-A06: The current Turkish president Abdullah Gül number-1 alias my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar
(Added on 20.02.2012) Photo-A07: The current Turkish president Abdullah Gül number-2 alias my fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali as I knew from in Cairo, Egypt in 1968-1969 and pretended to be working as a medical doctor at the Hospital Heliopolis and took me with him a couple of times to watch him operating people to make sure I don’t recognize him as Abdullah Gül and think he is Dr. Alaa Ali the Osama Ben Laden brother in Brighton, England |
Photo-B01: Edsel Bryant Ford alias CEO of Egypt Air
(Added on 17.02.2009) Photo-B02 and B03: my brother-in-law the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak next to the photo of my fake brother Nick Naggar that shows that they are related, one is mixed Rockefeller with Afro-Americans and my fake brother also Rockefeller family member.
(Added on 17.02.2009) Photo-B04 and B05: Same as above
This is the way Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar would look like if he was not so fat and stupid, which is a crime organization favorite disguise method. |
Other Descriptions/Details
Name and Aliases |
Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias Nisho alias Shushu/shosho alias unknown, strongly suspect him to be English secret service agent
See Avon Cosmetics Extension (record number 0461) in USA 1986 and Nick Naggar Extension 1986 (record number 0460) |
Profession under Alias |
Computer mainframe programmer until year 2000, thereafter unknown |
Official Nationality |
American with Syrian origin allegedly born on 19.11.1949 in Cairo, Egypt |
Countries Lived In |
What I saw: 1965/1966-1969 in Cairo, Egypt I saw him once in Amman, Jordan, however I can’t recall when, it must have been in 1960s 1970-1982 in Munich, Germany 10.10.1986-December 1990 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA April 1991-1992/1993 in Houston, Texas, USA What I was told: Born on 19.11.1948 in Cairo, Egypt 1950-1954/1955 Moved to Damascus, Syria 1954/1955 moved with his sister Suhair Bdeir to Amman, Jordan 1965/1966-1968/69 in Cairo, Egypt 1970-1982 in Munich, Germany 1982-1991 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA 1991-1993 in Houston and Texas City, Texas, USA Between 1993 and 2000, allegedly moved to Texas City, Texas, Austin, Texas, back to Houston, Texas, Dallas, Texas, Florida, back to Dallas, Texas, and after 2000 to Los Angeles What I strongly suspect: 1963/1964/1965 He came from England or USA (possibly Israel) over Amman, Jordan for a couple to a few months, then to Cairo, Egypt in 1965/1966 pretending to have been living in Amman, Jordan and all the rest of his fake living history, just like the rest of this stupid family |
Official Address |
Cairo, Egypt and others for details see below under other knowledge and within the table of “Neighbors and friends in various times” |
Disguise Methods |
Under control of his wife Anita Naggar alias Anita Kose alias Alia Kose alias a man disguised as a woman alias CIA agent from USA over Turkey and Germany |
Official Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
Hani Baroudi, Basel Baroudi, Bashaar Baroudi, Saamer Baroudi, Hasan Baroudi, Rima Baroudi, sister-1 of Rima Baroudi, sister-2 of Rima Baroudi, Basam Baroudi, Hiyam Baroudi, children of Jawdat Baroudi, Farihat Kheir, Farhat Kheir, Faihaa Kheir, Fikrat Kheir, Fareed Kheir, Fatina Kheir, and others I forgot |
Wife |
Children |
Allegedly none |
Other Relatives |
The entire crime family mentioned within this web site He was allegedly raised from 1954 to 1956/66 by: 1. My fake sister Suhair Bdeir (a half Chinese and half Windsor family member) 2. My fake brother-in-law Chinese husband Seev Aldin Bdeir that pretend to be originated from Syria 3. His alleged brother Mohamad Ali Bdeir (pretended to be Adolf Hitler) alias William Rockefeller or Frank Rockefeller the twin brothers of John D. Rockefeller senior 4. The brother of my fake brother-in-law Basheer Kwader/Queder (pretended to be Adolf Hitler, whereby his official brother Jameel Kwader/Queder is a look alike of Adolf Hitler) in Cairo, Egypt alias William Rockefeller or Frank Rockefeller the twin brothers of John D. Rockefeller senior 5. My fake niece daughter Basmath Bdeir that is married to the American terrorist family Alami/Alamo 6. My fake nephew son Samir Bdeir the hidden son of George H. W. Bush 7. My fake niece Reem/Rim Bdeir that was allegedly murdered by her Palestinian husband in Pennsylvania, USA in July 2000 8. My second fake sister Afrah Najjar alias Afrah Abokurah 9. (Added on 17.02.2009) Afrah Najjar alias Afrah Abokurah is 100% the hidden wife of of ex-USA vice president Al Gore and raising at least two of his hidden children which are Abdallah Abokurah and Ghasan Abokurah 10. Her husband Abdalghani Abokurah alias brother to prince Charles and princess Ann of England 11. Her daughter May Abokurah that allegedly was married to an ex-Iraqi royalty and lived in Saudi Arabia from 1985/86 to 2000 and from 2000 on allegedly in Washington D.C., USA 12. (Added on 17.02.2009) May Abokurah is the hidden daughter of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller with Happy Rockefeller. 13. Her son Abdallah Abokurah that allegedly studied in Tennessee and I saw on TV in November/December 2007 as member of the new Iraqi government under the fucked up Iraqi prime minister Maliki/Malki alias Bush family member and son of George Herbert Walker 14. Her son Ghasan Abokurah the alleged architect that studied in Washington D.C., USA 15. Her son Khalid Abokurah that was staged as mentally unstable enable to force me to feel sorry for him and use him against me 16. Her son Zaid Abokurah that allegedly lives in Washington D.C., USA and is also allegedly mentally unstable and was allegedly and continuously kicked out of his school and had to attend another schools in Washington D.C. due to his alleged bad aggressive and mentally sick behavior 17. Allegedly attended the Islamic Scientific College of Jordan in Amman, Jordan that was founded by Mohamad Ali Bdeir and the Abokurah families alias Windsor and Rockefeller families
Neighbors and friends in various times (added on 21.11.2008):
Biological Family Members |
Father |
Most probably Henry Ford or one of his hidden children |
Mother |
An international whore just like Nick Naggar is, he just learned of his own mother and father his way of life |
Sisters |
International prostitutes and whores |
Brothers |
International pimps and gigolos |
Cousins |
Same as his father, mother, sisters and brothers |
Wife |
For sale to anyone who can contribute financially or any usable product |
Children |
Sold them all out for his own greed |
Other Relatives |
All mother fuckers whores and pimps just like the entire Ford family is, at least the ones that were surrounding me my entire live |
Friends of the Family |
Unknown, possibly the English singer Cliff Richard and/or American actor Burt Reynolds |
Official Businesses |
Computer mainframe programmer until year 2000, thereafter unknown |
Businesses Partners: |
All criminals, whores and pimps that can contribute to his fatness and stupidity |
Illegal Businesses |
If he really lived in Amman, Jordan, then he is one hidden member of the crime organization in spying, drugs and other heavy crimes. |
(Added on 17.02.2009) Notes about brainwash and ESP manipulation: Please note, I was heavily manipulated by ESP at least until summer 2008, but also I was severely and for so long brainwashed and mentally totally suppressed, and then it became lesser and lesser. Therefore many information and relation that are written prior to November 2008 are most probably wrong or only partially right. However I will leave the information unchanged to show what these human trashes are capable of when they brainwash someone to force him/her to certain thinking, and anything new I add I will also add the entry date to it.
Will follow |